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EquiTable Food

Making local, pesticide-free produce accessible to all people in our community is the core mission of our program. Through food distributions, free farm stands, and strategic programs that reduce hurdles to access this food, we aim to bridge the gap between locally-grown produce and underserved communities. Additionally, we take pride in growing food on our own urban farm and providing Farm Shares to the community, promoting a deeper connection to the source of their sustenance. Our collaborative approach involves working closely with community-based organizations, local governments, stakeholders, and community members to create equitable and sustainable food systems.

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Community Roots Farm

A 1-acre community-run neighborhood farm in Oceanside, CA that  seeks to help nurture, heal, and improve the quality of life of those around us. This project addresses the goals of both our EquitTable Food and Greening Spaces Initiatives.

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Seed to Preschool

This program addresses the issues of childhood obesity, food insecurity, and establishing healthy eating habits early in a child’s life. We provide nutritional information for families, support preschool staff in incorporating nutrition education into the curriculum, and help build and maintain school gardens and healthy outdoor play areas for the youngest members of our communities.  We deliver produce from Community Roots Farm weekly to 5 low-income, state-funded  preschools which are used in meals prepared for the children as well as provided to their families.

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